Homogenizer and High-Pressure Processing Parts & Service
Ickler understands what downtime means for you and your employees, and that is why we go the extra mile for our HPP customers, whether your need is field service or parts. We've eliminated the typical hassel when it comes to ordering parts for your high pressure pump. No serial number? No problem. Give us a call and we'll quickly find the parts you need to get back on track and to keep your machines humming.
If you are unsure of your requirements, our HPP department staff will connect with you and help you order what you need from descriptions or measurements. And, the experienced machinists at Ickler can manufacture custom parts if your needs fall outside the scope of what the original manufacturer can provide. Ickler also specializes in making parts that have been discontinued by the original manufacturer, and in addition, many Ickler HPP parts have been re-engineered to eliminate deficiencies that were present in the OEM parts.
Parts & Services
Ickler stocks most common Gaulin MC & MS homogenizer pump heads. In fact, many new heads are available and ready to ship on the same day. Call us at (320)-251-8282 for a pump head quote.
Parts & Services available from Ickler include the following:
- Ball Guides, Stops & Cages
- Caps
- Crankshafts
- Crankshaft Main Bearings
- Crosshead Balls, Bearings, Retainers & Nuts
- Homogenizing Valves, Seats & Impact Rings
- High Pressure Pump Heads
- Packing Adjustment Rings
- Plunger Adapters
- Plunger Rings
- Plunger Rods
- Plungers/Pistons
- Poppet & Ball Valves
- Studs & Nuts
- Stuffing Boxes & Nuts
- Wrist Pins & Wrist Pin Bearings
- Valve Bodies
- Valve Seats
- Conversion of integral seats to replaceable seat heads
- Re-Babbitting of Connecting Rods
- Rental Heads
- Resurfacing of Homogenizer Valves
- Valve Job / Replacement of Valve Seats
Original Ingenuity
One very unique Ickler innovation is the Ickler Hybrid Pump Head. This pump head will fit on older machines which came with integeral, or straight-sided seats, and incorporates the modern convenience of tapered field-servicable seats. See more details under the Hybrid section of the website.
Ickler has the greatest selection of APV Gaulin high-pressure pump parts, but Ickler also has the capacity to manufacture parts for Crepaco, Cherry Burrell, Niro Soavi, Bos, or Tetra Pak machines. In some cases customers have requested custom adaptors to allow one brand of pump to fit with another brand’s discharge or homogenizing apparatus. These types of conversion projects save customers both time and money.
Examples of Parts We Keep in Stock
Ickler is an Authorized Distributor of Authentic Rexalloy Replacement Parts

Equipment Rental
Ickler maintains a modest Rental Service. To minimize downtime and keep your operation going, Ickler can often provide a used or refurbished pump head to keep your plant up and running while a new replacement part is manufactured.
Exploded View Drawings
One unique customer service Ickler offers is our Exploded View drawings. When you become an Ickler customer, our staff can create an Exploded View “AT-A-GLANCE” parts diagram for your specific machine(s). Your maintenance and purchasing staff will have no problem identifying the parts they need from the easy-to-recognize-and-compare pictorial drawings. The drawings will include both Ickler part numbers and common OEM part numbers for your specific high pressure pump or homogenizer.